Monday, June 25, 2018

More SL15B Exhibits

By Gemma Cleanslate

I always look for Ginger Lorakeet’s installation at the birthdays. On her parcel you can enter into the pictures and become part of them.

This year she has wonderful fantasy creatures in her pictures so I hopped right in.

Nearby is the Bay City exhibit . Bay City is also celebrating the 10th anniversary and Marianne McCann is illustrating Points of Interest in her build. I spend some time there so was glad to see this . Their events are always such fun... parades... car washes... parties .

Take a look. Pick up the city directory and booster pack, flag, postcard for your future city to the City.

I ran into Draxtor Despres  on the Bay City Bridge and we stopped to discuss the whole 15 years LOL. He was getting ready to stream the birthday into Sansar at 11:00 slt

Close to the Palace is the Great Snail Races parcel. Lovely crystal snail caught my attention. Pick up your own tiny snail that is lovely!

You can see who is involved in this Second Life fun activity that has races all over the grid .They are such fun to watch!... or join!

Caro Fayray has a bubbly Crystal Bowl here .”A Gentlemen's Club for Mer Monsters. Take the Bubble Taxi provided.  A world reversed and roles reversed. Anything is possible in virtual. This build is also an experiment in physics optimisation. See notecard” 

The bubble taxi takes you up to the club , inhabited by large wiggling sea creatures and shifting crystals. Very lovely and you actually got to take the bowl with you as a gift! Look for it.

This is the week to really get to enjoy the parcels with less lag. The parties are over...the pods are running... the gifts are waiting. Do not let this opportunity pass. Get over to Bear Island and collect those bears!! Visit the Cornfield. Enjoy the beauty of the builds! So much work for such a short period of time. I applaud all who were involved in this special time. I wonder what the 20th will bring! Start from any of the above sites and head out!

Gemma Cleanslate

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