Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Newser SL21B Exhibit, And A Few More

By Bixyl Shuftan

 The Second Life Birthday, the SL21B is over. This year, yours truly wasn't able to get there as often as he wanted. But I still had a little time to get a few pictures. 

As in all but the first SL Birthday's we've covered, the Newser had it's own exhbit, built by Silvia Ametza and her team, at SLB Incredible. 

In the middle was a rotating globe, supported by two arches. 

Silvia had set up something for people to guestimate the future of climate change.
The calculations depend on variables which can change. 

There was a little lost puppy at the build, which would occasionally howl.

There was also an elevator that would take people to the lower, underwater level.

Silvia and her teammates,  Aimeelou Destiny and Kimblecoles Resident did great, as they always have in previous builds.

Before leaving, I would take a few more pictures of some other exhibits. 

French artist Moya had an exhibit there. 

See you at next year's SL Birthday.
Bixyl Shuftan

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