Thursday, October 24, 2024

Scenes From Burn 2

By Gemma Cleanslate

Burn2 is well under way. Twelve regions to explore and they are all full of marvelous builds and activities going on at various camp sites… some randomly so it is a good idea to be in the Burn2 group so you can get notices.

My recommendation for exploration is to stop first at the gate to check out all the gifts from past years and this year on the tables there. If the greeter is off duty look for the brown backpack to the right of the gate and grab all the fun gifts inside, fire, lamps, goggles and so much more to use on the playa and at home and parties.

To get a wonderful overview of all take the balloon ride set up by Bar Tenk right inside the gate. You can hop off anytime but it is the best way to see what there it to visit when you walk . You can see the stage locations and the Center camp where you can hang out. Art car drives around the playa are great fun as are horse rides. There is a horse rezzer in Deep Hole if you want to do that.

The Temple this year is colorful and beautiful.

“TourBalloon whispers: Here in front we have the Temple. The reading of messages and the following burn of the Temple marks the end of this years Burn2 experience. You can go and submit your own messages. Be it a wish, a greeting, poem, memory, sentiment, love-letter, expressing sorrow..... All is welcome.” The censer in the middle of the temple accepts notes, just follow the directions.Check the Who What Where to see what is taking place and the time. Don’t miss it . 
You have lots of time to visit. It does not end until October 27 but the regions will remain for a few days after that to give time to get to see it all. The Man will burn Saturday at 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm SLT. The Temple will burn Sunday at the same times. Both will be spectacular.

The gate is at

Here are some photos of some of the installations I found fun.

Lots of fun art cars to choose for riding on the playa. Look for rezzers and choose your favorite.

Moya , the famous French artist has one of his Moya specials that is fun to visit.

Organica always has a magnificent build and parties!

Gemma Cleanslate

Friday, September 20, 2024

Three Halloween Shopping Places

By Gemma Cleanslate


Here we go into the dark days of Halloween. There are some wonderful regions set up for the holiday. If you are looking for places to shop for your region or just your home. I always like to visit Dench Halloween store . Since I am a member I can grab the fun many gifts. There are so many wanderers moving about that fit well in home or around a region or club. Check outside the store and inside . They are everywhere.

Wearable dancer companions are so numerous this year there are rezz areas to see what they look like. If you are in the group look at the gift area for four free ones too. I love the wearable dancers who have a great dance hud to fit any music you hear.

One can get a whole group like the Asylum inmates or the skeleton band. Don’t miss the Halloween bargain counter for 5L items. The shop will be open until November 1st.

Another store I always love to visit is Khargo . The Halloween store is amazing. Many items are set outside among the brilliant autumn trees and foliage. Take a walk all around to check out the variety of display items and figures. How about a whole Haunted house. The prices are also great here too.

Be careful of the some of them.. you may become part of the setting. Many of the items will fit well on small parcels and many for larger parcels . The shop is full of items to decorate inside a club, or shop and definitely a home.

I could not resist this decoration.. no clue where I will put it but the price was right too!!!Do not miss visiting Khargo.

One more store to visit that is full of sets of scenery. The landmark is listed as “Fiendish Rides and Haunt” If I had a region to fill or even a quarter of a region to decorate for the season or even just an event I would start here and then move on to the two stores above . A scene from here would be the base and more décor would go around it. Arriving at the store one has many doors to choose from..

I started at the Main Ride area. Here you get a chance to take the varied rides and see what you like.

They are scary! Try some. One that I was impressed with and glad to survive was the Grim Funeral!

I was informed by a mysterious voice that it was MY funeral!

Then I moved into the demo area where one can rezz different rides and experiences and try those also. Just going here will give one loads of rides experiences even if you don’t buy them all. A whole day can be spent over at Grimley. Checking games and characters also. It is a trip worth taking!

Gemma Cleanslate

Note:  Two pictures were missing when the article was first posted. They have since been added.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Newser SL21B Exhibit, And A Few More

By Bixyl Shuftan

 The Second Life Birthday, the SL21B is over. This year, yours truly wasn't able to get there as often as he wanted. But I still had a little time to get a few pictures. 

As in all but the first SL Birthday's we've covered, the Newser had it's own exhbit, built by Silvia Ametza and her team, at SLB Incredible. 

In the middle was a rotating globe, supported by two arches. 

Silvia had set up something for people to guestimate the future of climate change.
The calculations depend on variables which can change. 

There was a little lost puppy at the build, which would occasionally howl.

There was also an elevator that would take people to the lower, underwater level.

Silvia and her teammates,  Aimeelou Destiny and Kimblecoles Resident did great, as they always have in previous builds.

Before leaving, I would take a few more pictures of some other exhibits. 

French artist Moya had an exhibit there. 

See you at next year's SL Birthday.
Bixyl Shuftan

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Palomma Plaza

 By Gemma Cleanslate

This is a reminder for those who are helping new residents of Second Life or are shopping for themselves on a budget. In January 2023 the sad news of Palomma Casanova’s passing hit the community with shock. The Free Dove store had been a staple in SL since almost the beginning. It was believed that the store would disappear. But fortunately Shelby Monitor, a close friend in Second Life and real-life was granted permission to continue it.

And it is thriving. For those not familiar with the Palomma Plaza , the present name for the store , many fashion designers donate outfits, shoes, avatar accessories, jewelry, and so much more free to group members and newbies and anyone who stops by.

The fashions are up to date and fit many mesh bodies. I always see something I would like to wear and grab it when I visit. There is a donation jar for those who can afford it and it supports the store.

Upstairs many of the creators have shops where one can visit and pay for their wares. Their presence also supports the free shopping. It is a great boon to everyone involved. Thanks to Shelby for keeping it all going .

Outside the store on the other side there is a lovely memorial to Palomma Casanova stop and see it.

Look for teleports that take you to lovely locations , Dove’s Dream Park on the region, the marina, the forest, and other locations of interest . We will remember Palomma and her kindness that was never ending. Stop by and bring those who need help with their Second Life décor. Shelby also owns Shelbyfield , avatars and fashions. Thanks Shelby!!

One other thing by the way now that summer is here . Yosemite has camp sites for your weekend getaway that cost only 1L a night. What a bargain! Take the kids or friends to have a great camping experience with horseback riding, hiking trails, swimming, and other activities on this beautiful region .

Check out the visitor center for freebies too. There is a great teleport hud with all the places to see at the rental center where you can find the rent locator for the tents. I saw that there is anew Chapel near the visitors center where one can have a wedding or other ceremony or quiet meditation. You can contact Jadin Emerald. There are also teleport pads all around the main areas of activity to use.

Gemma Cleanslate

Friday, April 19, 2024

Tranquility Dance Troupe Presents "Into the Light"

 By Dancerina Starlight

Sims around Second Life (SL) continue to delight residents with enthralling events and activities. The Dream of Tranquility sim is among them.  On Sunday, April 21, 2024, Tranquility Dance Troupe (TDT) will present "Into the Light" Dance Program.  

Owned, operated, and directed by Ms. Faith Heartstrong and Mrs. Sarah Aarons, Tranquility Dance Troupe strives for excellence and professionalism in process, performance, and  people relations. The company encompasses spirit within that shines a positive light, fun and true friendships.  

The TDT dancers are passionate about dance and exude that through the entire dance process, performance, and interaction with people. This troupe was established to provide a safe space for dance where every dancer's creativity flows in a constructive space. In addition to accepting dance invitations at various venues, TDT has invested in the TDT Theater, nestled in the center of the Dream of Tranquility Region.  It is nicely secluded, yet warm and friendly.

This weekend, TDT hopes that through each dance, paths will be made clearer and exact for each person present. It hopes that dreams will be ignited, lights will be shone, with unfolded paths of clarity. The TDT's desire is that a woven tapestry of gold, where hope takes root, as a story untold is experienced as each dance intricately presents movements that will speak to the light and pathway of each person's desire; allowing the audience to strongly step with purpose and renewed freedom.

The troupe looks forward to its first, upcoming production entitled, "Into the Light," on SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2024, from 3:00 PM SLT to 4:00.

Access Links:

Theater Landing

Public Landing at the Shops

Dancerina Starlight