Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Scenes From The Kultivate Spring Art Show

By Gemma Cleanslate

I must applaud the wonderful art show that was just held in Water Haven. It was the third annual Kultivate Spring Art Show . I hope you were able to get over to see it . The press release was in the SL Newser All the participating artists are listed there .

Saturday the prizes  were awarded. I was invited to be a judge and found it really difficult. There was so much wonderful art to look  at and and make decisions. I am glad I said yes . It was an experience I really enjoyed. This link will take you to the magazine blog and all the winners.  

If you missed it  you can always visit the Windlight Art Gallery. It is there all the time and open to visit. Some of the artists who exhibited in the art show have pieces there as well as may other artists.Stop into the charming small galleries that surround the Windlight Gallery while you are there  

Gemma Cleanslate

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Scenes From the Burnal Equinox

By Bixyl Shuftan

From Saturday March 24 to Sunday March 25, the "Burnal Equinox" event was held inworld. Held every year, it is a spinoff of the "Burn 2" event taking place in October, which is based on the yearly "Burning Man" festival in real life. Yours truly dropped by the get a few pictures.

The event took place in the Burning Man Deep Hole sim. At the entrance, one could pick up a translator.

Here was where one could get a link to the Facebook page, and grab a few freebies.

A schedule of events.

 There were a number of exhibits around.

 In this exhibit, "What Emotional Planet Are You?" one could sit on the planets.

There was a tribute to the recently deceased Stephen Hawking. Although a physicist and not an artist, he was a hero to many, including to at least one Burner.

At one point, I noticed some flames and activity.

 The Burners had set a structure afire, and were now dancing in it.

Skye Silverweb was among the Burners there.

A look at the sim from above during the burn.

I later came across the structure when it wasn't burning.

That was the Burnal Equinox for this year. Stay tuned in October for Burn2.

Bixyl Shuftan