The first thing that I saw upon playing is that in order for you to get subjects of your own (or to swear yourself to a liege), you need to find a player who also has the hud attached --- all subjects and lieges in the game are other residents of Second Life. Then you stand near them and when a turn passes, the opportunity comes up to become their liege or subject (depending on rank). This can be good if you're social and hang out in a lot of social areas (where there might be many people playing at once, but if you're a social recluse like myself, you might have trouble finding a liege or subjects. Fortunately, there is a Tiny Empires Recruiters group you can join in order to look for other players.

During the game, the hud often will pose a "vote", or an event will happen that gives you gold (a "gold windfall"). So far there aren't any events that I've seen that drain gold (except if you bet wrong on someone during a festival). If your vote is in the majority, the Emperor will give you an amount of gold (and sometimes a kitten, I guess he's a cat person). Gold gained seems to be in proportion to the amount of land you hold; the more land you have, the richer you get.
Sometimes the Trader will show up (again, price of his item is based on land), and other times the Alchemist will show up ("The moon shimmers with a red glow") so if you somehow earned an item known as a Gold Bar, you can trade it to the Alchemist for a potion of some kind. Some potions grant gold windfalls, others protect you from "sabotage" (where another player damages your land and you lose up to about six or seven acres, and it can rebound against you!), and still other potions could get you more land the next time your Liege grants a land tract to all of their subjects under them.

One thing made me think. What's to stop someone from making a lot of alts and using those as subjects and allies, padding someone's gold and land stash? I asked Ultralite Soleil this, and he basically said "Nothing's stopping people from doing that, but it ruins the spirit of the game." I like his honesty about that; rather than fight a losing battle against billions of alts, admit it's a problem and that if people want to do it that way, then fine. :)
I'm going to give the game Four Dragon Hoards out of five. It's fun enough to keep playing even if it is a bit on the repeating side. You can find it at the Kitster sim (149,42,53) and the $L cost is well worth it. There is also Tiny Empires 3000, which is essentially Tiny Empires in a space theme instead of medieval one.
Xymbers Slade
Shoulda said Duke, not Prince. Got my ranks wrong. Heh. Now I need subjects. :)
ReplyDeletePoint to the 'what stops someone from making lots of alts'...
ReplyDeletepart of the above.
They in fact often do just that.
Look at the oceans of Sansera. Its full of people 80m under the water with tiny empires HUDs on. (can't recall the name of the sim I'm on over there - 1 -2 sims from me tends to have stacks of them most days) I'm not sure if this kind of botting is a ToS issue or not - but I've started ARing them to see if I can clear them out of the water.
Back in 2009 they invaded all of the abandoned and for sale land on the sim I lived on, and its nearby neighbors. To the point where guests and others could not TP in from the sim being full of bots...
If you're a legit player, kudos to you - but these folks are messing up your game's stats as well as the rest of us' land.
But I have no idea how they could be policied by Tiny Empires' "real" players... so I've turned to the Lindens to see if the bot ones can at least be shoved out of public lands.