Friday, March 14, 2025

Dove's Dream

 By Gemma Cleanslate

It is time to recall Palomma Casanova the former owner of The Free Dove who passed away a few years ago. She was an old friend and from the first years of Second Life began and never stopped helping new residents , and old , with free avatars, outfits and so much more donated by the creators. It is was her birthday on March 11.

To celebrate, 89 designers have set up booths at Dove’s Dream. The owner of Palomma which is a continuation of The Free Dove, Shelby Monitor, a close friend of Palomma and has continued her vision of assisting SL members by keeping the original store open to all. She was keeping watch and doing announcements when I visited the event.

At one end of the site there is a tribute to Palomma where one can stop and reflect. It is called The Stairway to Heaven.

On Galli the Palomma is open 24/7 with all kinds of wonderful outfits for both men and women. I still stop over there to check out the new donations. On the upper level there are many shops of the designers who are donors and I often shop there also. Thanks to Shelby for being such a constant friend to all , new residents, old residents and shop owners. original store.

I picked up several outfits as well as lots of gifts available at most of the booths . I could not resist this one made by Vamila Vela, a reminder of the Dove and a cute casual outfit.

To visit the event for great shopping travel here and be prepared to walk on water. 

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