By Gemma Cleanslate
Bixyl asked what games do we play. I looked back in my life in sl
and I still miss the old casinos , especially the camping casinos ,sorry to say.
Sigh. I am not fond of the new gaming possibilities. So far I have not attempted
any mostly because of laziness.

Each part of
a realm is large and encompasses many adventures to run through. When you first
arrive in the realms for the first time you will be asked to complete a quest. I
did that years ago, but then you are free to run to any area of the forests,
caves, mountains, hollows and find the varied colored crystals that stick out of
the ground. Each color offers certain points to exchange. Not only do you have
to watch the rock monsters but watch for falling rocks and many other very scary
dangers. Try it for yourself. Read the rules and follow them or you will find yourself at
home once in a while.
You will automatically be wearing a hud that keeps track
of your crystals while you are in the realms but don’t worry if it does not
appear, your points are still added. The entrance is by teleport through a blue
arch found at the Linden Portal Park.

As soon as the cast begins the fishers begin
to collect various fish with points that are registered on a leader board that
keeps track of the points of the top 5 fishers. At the end of the contest the
top winners are rewarded with lindens and possibly trophies and other rewards.
Bait is used in almost every contest and we must purchase our own bait. There
may be a lot of grumbling taking place as time passes and the fish are not

There are
other forms of fishing in sl but this one is my favorite. There are custom fish
to be caught at many of the sites that people love to collect as well as the
trophies. Those trophies belong to Grey Nacht who collects them and more.
can learn about 7seas Fishing at the website or you can visit the
headquarters inworld. secondlife/Flotsam%20Beach/39/ 104/22
Gemma Cleanslate
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