Arcadia Asylum Library
Aley, the former Arcadia Asylum is a historical figure in SL. Her
creations are so extensive it is hard to see them all. They are diverse and
imaginative.You may recall that a few months ago I did an article about The Sea
of Aley. (
) where there was a hunt going on in LEA. In it I put a link to the
Library of Arcadia where so many of her builds were located in vendors for the
taking, all free!
Sometime during the SL9B I got a notice from
someone that the library sim was closing! I put it away in my mind
to check out, but thought what a loss!! I was talking to my friend Grey
Nacht, and he told me that the library was being recreated in several sims
so the vendors would not be lost again. Grey has several freebie vendors
at his sim, Pala. He referred me to Brian61 Landar. I took off to see the new
site that Brian was creating and had a nice conversation with him.
Again, here
is another example of residents of SL having more concern than LL to preserve
the history of Second Life. Brian told me, "The library closing was a wake up call to
a lot of us that if we don't get active and spread the collection around,
it is very possible to loose it.“ Perryn Peterson owner of the sim, hearing
that Arcadia’s works might be unavailable donated a corner of the
sim to the recreation of the library. Brian is well under way in setting
out the freebie vendors he said, “.It was decided to add this exhibit hall to
feature builders and artists from all over SL who have contributed to SL thru
their work. 90% of everything you see is Arcadia, but so far we have collected a
small portion of arcadia's works. As more be comes available we will add them to
the vendors and distribute the collection to anyone that wants a copy.” There is
a group of SL residents working on recovery and preservation of Aley’s works.
There will probably be more places with vendors eventually.
Not only that but Aley has a hunt going on in the Blake Seas and
other waterways.. Aley has set many of her aquatic and other
builds under the seas hidden in secret ruins that you can locate
with her compass .You begin the hunt and get the compass at . Look around there before you leave because you will see all the hunt
objects. Then, follow the directions to find the hidden treasures under
the sea. During this hunt you will visit many wonderful underwater ruins, sunken
cities, statues and other lost places you will never get to see unless you are a
Gemma Cleanslate
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