By DrFran Babcock
really suck at hunts, but every year I struggle through at least a part
of the "Peace on Earth Hunt" because of two reasons: 1) I love good
quality freebies, and 2) what I REALLY want for Christmas IS peace on
So, fashionistas, here are two looks I put together
from just about one quarter of the hunt. For more information, SLurls,
and hints, go to this website:
Look Number One: ( I mix and match, and don't always use all items from an outfit)
ESHI OTTAWARA -Fuzzy Short Jacket
Beloved Jewelry Chantelle Gold/Ruby Earrings and Necklace
CHICHICKIE! Serafina - All Colors (ColorTouch)
[BLUSH] Selma Skin Tan - Nude
POSE: The Muse - Peace 3
Picture Taken at: Area 51 Winterland International
Look Number Two:
EAR CANDY ~ Earrings and Necklace, and Gold Mesh Heels, which you can't see.
SASSY! - Whitney gown
AMACCI - Hair Nena - Ice
AMACCI Skin - Oleana (Pale) - Peace - Cleavage
Taken at: Garden of Whimsey - Winter Wonderland
DrFran Babcock